Thursday, March 28, 2019

Back to #1

Today was the first round of the new protocol geared toward a triple negative breast cancer instead of the HER 2+. I still don't know if we really know what we are fighting, but if this does something it may be the answer we are looking for.

We have not heard back from Mayo yet about anything they may be seeing but we will continue waiting for that response. I had some training in my two new chemo drugs. One is an oral drug, three pills in the morning and three pills 12 hours later for two weeks and then off one.

My nurse told me that the infused chemo will a lot of the time make you feel like you are drunk. Then she asked "do you have someone to drive you home??", I didn't. So she said she would see how it goes. Thankfully, I could walk a straight line and felt fine when all was said and done.

The first 15 minutes is the crucial time where some of the big reactions could occur. It was not bad at all with the exception of thirty minutes in I could hardly keep my eyes open. That is okay, it is always good to get a nap in when I can. There are some whammy of a side effects that could come along the way but we will not plan on them and take each day as it comes.

Overall the day was fine. We will see how the days to follow go. I don't have a whole lot planned for myself on the schedule except a concert tonight. The last show choir concert of the season at the high school. Bittersweet since it was such a great show this year. They turn around next month and audition for next year.


  1. Praying that the new protocol does its job and Mayo chimes in with positive feedback! And ... yes!!!! Praying for no whammies! Thank you for sharing your journey and allowing us to pray with your family! 💕💕💕💕

  2. We have to make sure we don’t schedule our tests and treatments on the same day! This way, I can drive you! 👍🏻😁
