Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Superdy Duperdy Excited!

This coming Saturday we are embarking on the beginning of the Sloan basement project! Framing begins in the morning at 7:30! Needless to say, the basement is a disastrous mess. I used to have the unfinished storage area neat and tidy with bins stacked and labelled. My Christmas bins are the only ones that still show a semblance of order. You see, with a wide open basement which has been roller skated and scootered in, and where show choir audition practices have been held with friends it has also been used for Nerf gun wars and many other battle type games among siblings and friends.

Because of this, bins have been stacked up to make fortresses, bins have been knocked over in battle and the contents strewn all over the floor...several times. David decided last weekend to go out and get the wood that he needed to actually build shelving in that corner that will still be an unfinished storage area when the basement is completed.

Now there have been projects around here before, believe me! And most of the time they take longer than originally determined. Things are happening around here I am saying. Things that make me smile. Here is a good example. After a lot of cutting on Saturday, we went to church as usual on Sunday morning. We came home, we had lunch and then I went to my room for a nap.

When I woke up the house was eerily quiet. I walked through the office/music room where usually I find at least two on computers playing video games...nothing. I walked through the kitchen and into the living room...nothing. AND the television was OFF. Now, the weird thing about that is I have to get after people in my house all of the time because they finish watching a show and don't turn off the tv. They just leave it on the Roku menu and leave the room. But no, not Sunday, the tv was off.

I listened and heard a strange sound. It seemed to be coming from downstairs so I descended the stairs and rounded the corner to find my three sons. Ryan had a drill and Zach and Matthew were holding things in place while the screws went in. My brain had a little twilight zone moment, I won't lie. A weekend day when they could be playing video games or watching tv and they were down here. I asked them what they were doing and very matter-of-factly the answer came "building shelves".

Well, okay then! I was very impressed and excited at how much progress was going on. And that my boys were working together so well and putting together more shelves while David took Dawn to the grocery store to restock the shelves in the pantry. I am spoiled around here for sure!

They have been working on the shelves all week and have gotten the first section complete. (Now it is just having to go back into the storage area and pull everything out so that the shelves can go in and start being organized and used). Sorry kids, no more using Mom's bins for your fortresses!

They are going to make two more sections for sure and then we will have to see how much stuff from the basement can be moved into that corner that isn't going to be finished. It is my sewing area that I have to work on. Moving everything about three feet away from each wall.

But first this afternoon...I have a little embroidery project (Fun before work today!) Like I said superdy duperdy excited!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful surprise for you! And such a neat gift to have your family working together to accomplish it!!!
