Sunday, March 31, 2019

"Rooms" in the Basement!

I woke up to a shaking and a pounding and all kinds of other noises and vibrations coming from downstairs. My cousin Kasjen came at about 7 and then one by one my brothers and my dad came and there was no stopping them once the framing began!

Wow! What an amazing day! I will take you through the tour if you would like to see. It may be a little difficult and will get better as the drywall goes in to see the rooms. But, those of you who have seen our basement and its wide open spaces may get a little bit of an idea as to what happened yesterday.

I am even excited about the unfinished
storage area! Here are the shelves
David and the boys worked on and

Coming downstairs and turning right, the
far end you see the "door" to the
downstairs bathroom
Next, you turn down what will be the
hallway and you can kinda see
two rooms framed out here.
First wall framed for my sewing/hobby
Here is part of the wall that covers the
furnace and water heater. Behind that
is the unfinished storage area.
It was pretty exciting to see things go up so quickly. Later today they will keep going. I will have to share another update as we go along.

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