Monday, January 7, 2019

Meanwhile, Stacey

So, Stacey's leg and foot problem still linger much longer than she would have liked. Originally we were going to be having compartment syndrome testing for the six remaining compartments in her legs that were not operated on two years ago. It was scheduled for January 3rd.

The week before break however she injured the top of her left foot. It remained swollen and very painful to walk on. We made an appointment with the Foot and Ankle clinic last week to see if we could get to the bottom of things.

Doctor there took three pictures of her foot. One of the films looked like there could be a fracture in one of the bones. The other two films didn't show that though, so he wanted us to get an MRI. So that is what we did the last day of Christmas break.

The MRI showed that there is no fracture! YAY! But her Lisfranc ligament is injured. Doctor says it isn't torn which is good because it could heal on its own. Sometimes it doesn't though so we will be watching it close.

She is going back to see the foot doctor on Wednesday to go over in more detail the MRI pictures and hear how we will proceed. She hasn't felt any relief from the pain and is hating being on crutches and in the boot. She is not my most patient one. But no one wants to sit out of their favorite sport. We will see what the doc says and hopefully he will have some kind of plan. Stacey said, "well at least I injured it doing my sport and not some other dumb reason."

Hopefully...Stacey will ask HIM all of the questions she has been bugging me about!

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