Sunday, January 13, 2019

Back in Bed

We have had a good week. I wanted to write a Friday from the Heart this week but it didn't happen. Lots of things done and I felt pretty good most of the week. About Thursday my nose was a little drippy (welcome to chemo world). It went on for a couple of days. Then it was time to start nasal rinses to keep my airway open. Well, I came home from church which was so good for me today and took a nap. I didn't sleep very well because I felt cold and couldn't get warm.

When I woke up I had a fever. UGH!!!! Today was my last day on the antibiotic when I had a terrible sore throat last week. So, I must have gotten some kind of bug. I had been out and about most of Friday and all day yesterday.

They say to call the on call doctor if it is higher than 100.5 but I also know that they want to keep me from the hospital as much as they can. When I call the on call doctor they will tell me to go to the ER. Then, I get admitted for about three days while they try to determine what is causing the infection.

The last few times when I have had a higher fever I took ibuprofen to get it down below 100.5. Then sleep comfortably in my own bed and call the office in the morning. I have decided to do the same here. The ER takes about and hour to get into a room and then another couple hours till they get you to a room. It is miserable.

I don't know what this is all about but I will call in the morning and they will determine things they can do. Wednesday is supposed to be my next treatment and so my prayer tonight is so that I can get well enough to do treatment on Wednesday, or at least by the end of the week.

 As you can see, I have been a little stir crazy today. My plan was to come home from church, take a nap and then work on a quilt. I am doing a quilt that I am very excited about. I will definitely share once it is done. I hope that I will get a chance to keep at it.

I have had some discomfort daily this week in my liver area, front and back. I am hoping that there is a major battle being fought there! My hair hasn't completely fallen out and I haven't shaved it. It is nice in the shower that what is left is seeming to stay a little tighter and when my shower is over there usually is very little in in the drain area.

Here are specific prayer requests for us this week:

1. Breaking of this fever.
2. Wednesday's treatment can go on as planned.
3. Patience for me as I am stuck in bed again.
4. Patience for Stacey as she waits for some change in her foot.
5. Healing of Stacey's foot ligament and hope for her.
6. Dawn isn't feeling well this week. Prayers for healing for her.
7. Pray that we are winning that battle that is taking place in my liver!!

In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?
Psalm 56:4


  1. I am praying that your fever leaves, for peace and healing for all of you! Love you lots! Please let me know if you need anything, sweet friend!❤

  2. I am excited to get my essential rewards order this month! I am splurging on a new diffuser for my bedroom! ��
