Sunday, January 6, 2019

Show Choir Begins

A few pictures were taken when I gave my phone to Stacey to video the first show choir performance of the season while they waited in between the jazz bands and the show choirs on Thursday night.

When my phone comes back there are always crazy little brother pictures and it makes me smile. It was a great first concert. Dawn played vibraphone in the Jazz 2 band, Ryan plays piano in the Jazz 1 band, Dawn and Ryan both sing/dance in the prep show choir Revelation and Ryan plays synth in the New Creation show band.

I love how they are doing what they love to do. I love that sometimes the high school gym hosts home basketball games and sometimes it hosts show choir competitions and jazz band concerts. And I love that this year, with David's new job, much of the time the rest of us are in the stands cheering them on.

There are things that really stink right now but we have had a lot more opportunities to be together and support each other. Even though I have had bad days lately, there are still so many great moments with the people I love. 

Before all of this cancer stuff came back to the surface I spent much time last fall just listening to my house and the people in it. There are a lot of sweet moments if you just listen for them. Thankfully, with a lot more resting can come a lot more listening.

Well, we got to hear some good music on Thursday. Then on Saturday they went to Des Moines and made it into finals. I missed it because I was sick, but the kids did great and I have some great parent friends who always take WAY better pictures than I can ever get! I am sure I will be flooding the internet with video and pictures of these kids.

As hard as they work to achieve the goals they make for themselves, I am so glad that I get to be in the audience as they share their talents.

So, if yesterday I felt sorry for myself (and believe you me, I have been feeling sorry for myself all week!), today I feel blessed. Blessed and oh so very thankful that I get to be here and I get to watch sometimes right there and sometimes from afar with just text updates and Facebook snippets. Life really is good, even on the bad days.

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