There are so many who encourage and have encouraged me along the way on my path by telling me that I am strong and inspiring and all of that. I thank you. But I thought just so you know that I am human I would report that I do find myself in a puddle sometimes as I did this morning after I dropped Matthew off at school.
He has an amazing teacher and he came early to choir practice and she was coming in from her car. Just the idea of dropping him off into the care of his teacher warmed my heart. Then of course I put on my playlist on the way home. I should have waited to put on my make up that is for sure!
Well...there is some news today. And, I am much happier about it than I expected. Happier about it than the pictures from this morning anyway! It doesn't sound that great when it comes out but I have stage 4 "metastatic carcinoma consistent with breast cancer". So to answer my sons question we still wear pink!
The good news is that it has mutated from Her2 negative to Her2 positive and there are more options for treatment including immunotherapy. (spell check doesn't like that word). We will start with an immuno / chemo thereapy combo and monitor with scans until the liver is clear and then maintain with immunotherapy. And that is all I know.
I will be getting an echocardiogram next week before we start. I do know that they are three week rounds so we will see how my body tolerates it. I have no idea if I will be able sub some still (because I do really love to be in a classroom), but I do know that at least while I do this I can take my two online courses to renew my license that expires in March. That can be done from the recliner just fine and will help me feel productive!
Thank you to all who have given me suggestions for holistic options. I do faithfully use my Juva roller ball with essential oils over my liver every day. I also have options for liver cleanses and the woman and the health store down the street was a very good resource as I made may way around.
I love all of you...this morning texts and comments on FB kept my phone busy. You are all so good to me, to all of the Sloans. This is all very preliminary. In about three weeks we should get results back from the molecular testing and we may switch things up if they find a better path to cleaning out this mess! I told my daughter today (well, texted actually) "God numbers our days. Today I am happy that the prognosis is better than I had imagined".
The reminder again from a song that my grandma used to like "One day at a time Sweet Jesus...that's all I'm asking from You. Just give me the strength to do everyday what I have to do."
Thank you for sharing, Jody. We will rejoice with you that the news is better than you expected. And weep with you that you have to endure this again. I'm glad that God knows the number of your days and none of this is a surprise to Him. I'm thankful that He is holding you in the palm of HIs hand and you can rest there.
ReplyDeleteI will be singing “one day at a time sweet Jesus...” all day! Thank you for letting us know. I like direction for prayer. We cry withbyou in the sad moments and rejoice for you and in Him always! Love you dear friend!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jody, for your willingness to share your very soul with us, to be so open and vulnerable. You lift us all up, and we hope that in doing so, we in turn can lift you back up and give you the support and love you need. My prayer is that you always, every minute, know the presence of the One who loves you so.
ReplyDeleteI love you Jody! God Bless you and your family. Please please please let us know what we can do to help.
ReplyDeleteOh bless you, Jody. You’re surrounded by so many who love you here. God has your days numbered (and mine). I love you and will continue praying.
ReplyDeleteJody, you have been in my prayers and on my mind for so many days. I praise God that the news is better than expected even though not as good as we want. When you are weak, He is strong. When you are discouraged, He is Hope. When you don't have your makeup on He and we love you anyway. Thanks for being you. One day at a time, sweet Jesus.
ReplyDeleteJody, my husband and I will be lifting you, your treatments, your healing, wisdom for your doctors, and your family up in our prayers. We know the Lord is going to use you in mighty ways at the medical facilities. You are a ray of His sunshine and you are going to make a difference in even more lives now.
ReplyDeleteI obviously messed up with my name .. so going to make this easy and just say the above message is from Rhonda Peyton, from GNC.
ReplyDeleteOh Rhonda...thank you for your kind words of encouragement. I am trying to take this mission that the Lord has given joyfully. Not quite there yet, but He is working on my heart.
DeleteJody, Sharon B. gave me your blog address and I also friended you. Ken and I have been praying for you since we heard the latest. We will continue to do so. Just had the TV on to hear Gaither's program. A song one group sang was "Gentle Shepherd, come and lead us. For we need you to show us the way." We know He is there to show you and your family the way.