Thursday, July 5, 2018

Random Memories Down the Lane

Spending time downstairs this past week I stumbled upon a great blast from the past on Amazon Prime when I saw Match Game 73 and Match Game 75, both seasons! I was curious because this game show of all things is connected to my very first memories as a child. There are a lot of things that I remember, and from my experience talking with others I remember more details than most about a few of those experiences.
Match Game...It was probably more like 74-76 that I remember this show. We lived in a mobile home on my grandparent's farm because my dad had been stationed in Thailand for a year when I was three. We continued to live there after he returned until halfway through my first grade year. My brother and I are 18 months apart and my mom often let us nap together in her bed in the back of the house. We screwed around back there a lot! I remember squeezing ourselves under the vanity in her room with stuffed animals and pillows thinking we would sleep under there. But what I remember most about nap time in the trailer house was that we would sneak down the hallway and position ourselves where mom couldn't see us but we could see the television. 

Mom made our clothes for us mostly because back in those days it was less expensive to sew them than to buy them. So often she had her sewing machine on the kitchen table and would have the tv on while she worked. The fun thing was we got to see Match Game since that is what was usually on during nap time. Finding a couple of seasons of that on Amazon Prime last week was fun. I remember most of the celebrities that are on there not because of the shows they were starring in, but because of the fact they sat on that set of Match Game. 

I think that whole experience prompted me to think about my 9x13 inch lasagna pan. My mom had one, my grandmother had one and it is strange I was thinking that it wasn't til about two years ago (because I put it on a Christmas wish list) that I have one myself.  Why did it take me 20+ years to acquire one?

The thing I remember most from that time of my life was that Grandma made Crazy Cake. We make it here too because the boys love to watch the soda and the vinegar react. Back in those days though, my aunt and I (she is four years older than I am) would play dolls all the time. One day we played wedding and my grandma made Crazy Cake for "the wedding" and decorated it for us.

It is silly out of all of the things that we remember in our lives that these random moments are triggered by things like tv shows while I sew or lasagna pans when I do the dishes. Our minds are so amazing and I don't understand how it works. I just know that these two memories didn't come from a photo album where I remembered because I saw a picture of it. These two memories came from the days before cell phones and the ability to photo document ever moment of our lives.

I am thankful for those warm fuzzies every once in awhile!

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