Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Choreography Camp

Last week was choreography camp. The first event of the summer that marks the beginning of the end. This week is pretty quiet but then it starts up again with drum line camp and then marching band camp and then...well, it will be August and school will be starting again. This summer has flown by, but enough of is still July and we are going to enjoy every day of summer that is left!

Back to camp...I get to help serve food and hang out with some other cool show choir moms during the week. The kids worked hard and boy, whoever says show choir isn't a sport has no idea what they are talking about. There was a lot of sweat and a lot of aches and pains as the week progressed.

But, that said I LOVE THIS YEAR'S SHOW!!! It is going to be great! There is still a lot of work, but the initial learning is now in their brains and their muscles and as school starts, Monday nights will be busy working on perfecting it all.

Here we have Ryan with some of his moves:

 And Dawn too:

 On Thursday afternoon the very last thing they do is both show choirs perform their shows for each other (and any parents who want to come watch). Let me tell you, walking into the school by the fourth day it was pretty ripe in there! It is the smell of hard work and happy dancers! They both looked great!

I can't wait to mark my calendar and plan the show choir season. It has gotten off to a very great start!

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