Monday, July 2, 2018

Not Sure How to Feel About That

I have written posts about my barberry bushes before. We have a love-hate relationship. In order to keep the enrty to our home tidy and neat I really have to trim them twice a year. There are a ba-zillion of them so that is not going to happen anymore. Plus, when I clip them, the red all comes off and the bush that is left is just green like the bushes beside them. So, they aren't nearly as beautiful as they could be if they were just left to grow.

We have wanted to move them to the side of the house, but over the weekend decided that we will indeed wait to move them until the fall when the research I have done tells us it is the best time for them. Because I have had to apologize to a few guest for the pokey branches that have grown out into the sidewalk, I knew I would need to trim the plants at least on the inside by the sidewalk.

Well, David is on vacation this week and his sister is here visiting. The three of us were sitting in the living room chatting with coffee this morning when the mail came. Soon after the familiar sound of the mailbox shutting, David and Michelle were trying to peek out the curtain from their seats. They said that the mail carrier was standing in the middle of our sidewalk. 

We couldn't see well through the sheer curtains on either side of the door but it seemed like he was bending over. He took a couple of steps and stopped to bend over again. From where I sat, it looked like he had dropped some mail and was trying to pick it up, like some of it had fallen into the bushes.

Being curious to see if he had gotten it all, I went outside once he left. Guess what I saw...branches of our barberry bushes lining the sidewalk from the porch to the driveway! Seems he was tired of getting "attacked" by the prickly barberries! I am not sure how I feel about my humanness I think "The NERVE!" But, in my compassion I feel bad that I haven't gotten out there before now. 

I will confess, it is still a little more of the first reaction than the second unfortunately because I keep thinking in my head "no WAY am I going out there today and doing it to give him the satisfaction of making his point, especially because I know I was already planning to clip them!" I feel like leaving those clippings right there so he has to walk on them tomorrow! Maybe if I leave it, he will clip a few more for me tomorrow! But for now it looks like he did half my job for me!

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