Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Still Here...Just a Little Dizzy Lately

It has been a rough couple of weeks for me. It started after treatment when my nephropathy started to get worse. There is now pain in both of my legs below the knee and my hand and arms below the elbow. I have morphine I take at bedtime. Some nights it works, some nights, not so much!

Sleeping has been tricky. Some nights I can get some sleep, other nights it is hard. Looking back today I think I have caught some kind of a cold bug or allergies have moved into my chest. I stopped in last week to tell the doctor that when I get up I get dizzy and hear static in my ears.

She said it probably had to do with this sinus stuff I am dealing with so I keep doing my sinus rinse and take my vitamins. Well, Saturday night at Mom and Dad's I got up a little too fast. I am used to the dizziness and I was holding myself up at the bar as I dipped a chip and before I knew it there were people all around me trying to get me to the chair.

I passed out. First time ever in my life. It was weird but I was okay, I wasn't out very long at all although I don't remember any of it after the chip got dipped. I hit my cheek and my shoulder but nothing serious. Thankfully there were people around. I know I have missed a few grad parties that happened over the weekend and I am really sorry I didn't get to stop by.

It is better today. I haven't been as dizzy. I got a lymph massage on my "Incredible Hulk" arm and again stopped in to report my passing out episode to  my doctor. We are going to try some Claritin D and if it isn't better in a couple of days, I will call them and I will get passed to my ENT to see if it is some kind of inner ear issue. Or, I am getting older, maybe I am losing my hearing.



  1. Prayers being sent your way. I feel so helpless. I will continue to come boldly before the throne to ask for healing, relief of these awful issues, and strength for you. God is good all the time and He holds you firmly in His grasp.

  2. Thanks for your update! I have a lot of time on my bike and will be praying for all these issues and for you to finally kick this crap in the butt!!

  3. I'm sorry I didn't see this earlier. Saw you last night so am hoping some things are straightening out. Praying for you.
