Thursday, May 16, 2019

2nd Protocol Treatment #3

I went in early this morning to get started. We are taking this cycle off of the double whammy chemo plan so that my skin can recover. So today it was just my three hour infusion and then I was on my way. I stopped into the physical therapy office and made an appointment for tomorrow morning to work on getting some of my swelling in my right hand to go down. There at PCI the therapists specialize in lymph massage. We will see how many appointments it will take.

I am SO ready to have my right hand back! I have tried writing a little and I can in short spurts. My hand gets tired quickly. However...I have collected some fat barreled pens that are much more comfortable to write with! I should do a pen review one of these posts. I have done research! I do feel a little like I am back in kindergarten with my big fat yellow pencil! But it works and I am not stir crazy without something to do.

My fingernails are crashing and burning quickly. I am soaking them in a 3x1 bleach mix every night and am on an antibiotic for this and my cellulitis on my right arm. I can’t believe my arm has been swollen for over three weeks and I haven’t got an infection til now. We are on it though.

Over all, my condition is good. I am in a better place mentally this week with the renewal of hope and feeling again like we are winning some of the battles in this fight. It really is God who is revealing Himself more as we go along this road. I was feeling pretty good about my level of trust in Him, a little too cocky maybe. He has led me to trust Him MORE:

  • To trust when the feeling isn't there. 
  • To remember what I KNOW about Him during those times when I don't feel like I see Him moving. 
  • To remember His promises.
  • To truly rest.
It is hard for this very impatient girl to wait for these lessons because learning and growing takes time. Time and testing. I am thankful that the Lord knows me and knows what I need to not only get through this, but to also hopefully grow and get stronger along the way. My physical strength may be lacking right now but I am learning the strength that comes when we get to the end of ourselves. It is swinging on the knot at the end of the rope and trusting Him for tomorrow.


  1. Thank you for sharing! Much love sent your way. And prayers! xoxo

  2. You are blessing and helping so many people, and I am one of them. Thank you for being who you are and for sharing yourself with all of us.
