Monday, November 26, 2018

Happy Thanksmas 2018

Thanksgiving week went by fast. It always does for me. We have celebrated "Thanksmas" as our family tradition with my husband's sister Michelle. I don't remember how many years it has been , but we don't see her at Christmas time so we do our gift giving and turkey eating all together.

This year there was a wrench in our plans. We planned Thanksmas to be on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving based on plane flights and kids' activities. Michelle's fiance was planning to be with us for a couple of days and came last Monday. The wrench came when my biopsy was scheduled for Wednesday morning.

Troy and Michelle made the whole meal so by the time we got home, it was all ready. We enjoyed our family meal and then opened presents. It was very nice and low key for us. We are thankful for the timing of everything and they were more than happy to help.

Thursday they had plans for Thanksgiving with Troy's family so we had a small gathering again at the house with David making turkey number two. My youngest brother and his family came over along with my parents. We enjoyed food, a puzzle and football. (not so much the football...the Falcons lost.)

The rest of the weekend was quiet and I was able to hem two jacket sleeves, three tux pants and five choir dresses for the high school choir. (I love jobs I can do sitting around!) We had movies going while I stitched. Quite a range of viewing actually, we watched the latest Jurassic World, followed by Pride and Prejudice, and then Lincoln.

It was a great weekend. This week we hope for some news...preferably the good kind!