Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Give Thanks

A sure fire way to "de-uglify" Facebook is to get a cancer diagnosis. Seriously...there are so many times that I want to just duck out of the Facebook world. It is so much easier for people to "speak (or type in this case) their mind" on Facebook than they would if you were sitting across from them. That is why I have always tried to follow the rule that I won't post anything that I wouldn't say to someone in person. I have shared my rule with my kids too. It is just a good way to stay out of "cyber trouble".

So, the results have come in. We will go in tomorrow morning and hear what they have found. And then the best thing, we will start attacking back. It is the limbo and waiting that is the worst. I sound like a broken record in my head. I find myself thinking deja vu...I have typed this before. Probably because I have. This is not my first rodeo.

I am always amazed at the people who rally around when they hear my bad news. So many of you who have popped over to my blog after reading my aunt Jo's post on her amazing blog. If you haven't been to Jo's Country Junction you should visit her. I love her a lot and she has been such a support to me. The rest of you...those who have FILLED my FB feed and texted and called with love and support and prayer...THANK YOU near and faraway!!!! There has been so much activity that there is no room on my feed for those posts to pop up that are less than uplifting.

Today I am going to sew. I have things in my sewing room that need to be finished so I can work on a couple of Christmas projects. I have not sat down at my machine in weeks. The quilt that I was working on is still on my machine from a month and a half ago. My heart wants to create today. I will  not borrow tomorrow's trouble. It may actually be quite manageable. I expect my God is ready for it and so my heart will be at peace.

I sat down at the piano this morning. I am working on a song, George Winston Thanksgiving. I have loved it since I was a teenager and a couple of Christmases ago Michelle, my sister-in-law gave me a George Winston piano book. The song has a sad sound. It sings to my heart on the days that are hard. Back then I wondered why in the world he called it "Thanksgiving". As an adult I have learned that there is peace in giving thanks in all circumstances. It is not always easy but I will tell you that my thankful list is WAAAAAY longer than any complains I could have! Life is truly RICH!

1 Thessalonians 5:18 

In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Jesus Christ for you.

1 comment:

  1. Jody, I am praying and hoping for you and your family. I know we all are sending so many positive wishes to you. On another note, I could not agree with your posting role more!
