Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Princess Zelda

Ahh...normal life. Saturday I got to spend a bunch of time in my sewing room. I have to remember on the days when I am not totally drained that I need to get down there because if I am only feeling a little rough, the busy-ness of something I love to do can really get me over a hump mentally. When things come to life (or are created) in my hands it is a huge boost!

We had picked a pattern that we thought would work from Grandma's stash of patterns and she had given us the go ahead to have it and cut it up like we need to. (with multiple sizes in each pattern, I usually try to maintain the other sizes in case we ever need to use the pattern in a different size). With the go ahead from Mom and my dislike for cutting out patterns from fabric, I cut it out like we are only going to use it once.

I got the skirt done and ready to hem with a minimal amount of problems. Let's just say I am giving myself a lot of grace where zippers are concerned! It isn't matching up exactly and so I just put the hook and eye where it would keep the skirt closed up for Dawn. After all, it is a costume and not a prom dress! The bodice will lay over the top of the waistband of the skirt anyway.

Dawn is in charge of all the "jewels" and accessories. She has a huge piece of styrofoam that she has been cutting out and painting for the different parts of the costume. Yesterday we got her long blonde wig on half price clearance because unlike the people who really think ahead and pay full price, I usually don't get to the current holiday until everything is on clearance (which really does work well for the budget).

The fabric is not fancy, in fact it is a "slippery" fabric that Dawn has used before to make pajamas so it isn't satin or taffeta or anything like that. In fact, it doesn't hold its shape that well. My problems with the bodice will become more evident later today when I have to have the dress done. Dawn is helping at our church's fall festival tonight. So, I have spent more time in the sewing room today.

The cool thing about the fabric though is that the wrong side has a soft feel to it (which is perfect for pajamas but not so perfect for costumes you are trying to make with a formal dress pattern!) It will do the trick though, she tried on as much as I had done and showed me some of the "bling" she has made and I got a boost of confidence that this might just work after all!

She has the necklace done taking three bouncy balls (which there is always an ample amount of around here) and painted them all with hot pink paint. Then she took a pin and made a hole in each one putting a string through. It looked pretty good, actually...exactly like the picture. I love it!

I am hoping that I will be able to share a picture of her finished product next week and a few of fall fest when I find out what the rest of the kids are going to be wearing. Dawn has been working on a coat of armor with pop tops (pretty sure that the breastplate will be all that will be done of that). Ryan really wanted that to wear. Matthew and Zachary have been so good at settling for what they can find in the dress up bin. Stacey is using an apron and some gardening tools along with silk flowers and being a florist.

Dawn bought her fabric and is doing a lot of the extras. It is normal and it is fun.

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