Tuesday, October 25, 2016

I Am Back...

There was just nothing in me last week and all through the weekend so I took some time off trying to organize my thoughts for you. Actually, once the weekend got here we had the Rough Riders "Pink the Rink" night on Friday and then Saturday I realized what the hospital two weeks ago and my sickness this past week has kept me from getting accomplished.

Dawn has wanted to make a "Princess Zelda" costume (see right) and we were so good to watch coupons and pick fabric that would be economical. We have had the fabric since early September and we were both so proud of our thinking ahead.

I will post some more about that project in the next couple of days. For now, lets catch up on the stuff I don't really like to write about. Many have asked and having a fever, I haven't felt like sitting here in the recliner with a warm laptop in my lap.

Last Monday as I posted, I came down with a fever. It was so humbling for me to see with one post on Facebook that I wasn't well how many people responded and by the time I went to sleep Monday night I felt so prayed for and at peace. Dad came with me to my chemo appointment Tuesday and they ran all of the tests that they ran at the hospital. My nurse said this time of the year they want to do everything then can to keep me out of the hospital so as the results came in, she put me on an comprehensive antibiotic that will take care of a number of problems.

I went into the clinic every day Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to get my hour of IV fluids and antibiotic. By Wednesday evening I felt much more comfortable and by Thursday morning I felt I could get up and drive to Bible study which I am glad I did, the lesson last week was so encouraging for me mentally! Friday I was running errands and cleaning up around the house. Stacey did a great job going to her annual check up with the pediatrician with Grandma since I had to be hooked to my medicine at the same time. A little update on Stacey's leg and our plans for that in a future post.

I felt pretty good to go the the Rough Riders game Friday night although by the time we got home I was worn out. But in a good way! David took the soccer players on Saturday to their games and I took stock of what was needing to be done around the house and felt bad that we had had Dawn's fabric all this time and I haven't even got the dress cut out. More about that tomorrow.

I got a call from the oncologist last night giving me an update on what has been growing in the culture from my port. If you didn't read the update on Thursday, the port blood had a bacteria growing in the culture which potentially could be bad. Friday I was told that it was only growing in one of the two samples from the port so they really didn't know what was going on. Ugh!

But, the doctor told me last night that they identified the bacteria and it is resistant to the antibiotic I have been taking. So instead of continuing on the oral meds I had, I now have a new prescription for a different antibiotic that will address the bacterial infection, whatever that is.

My theory is that there must have been something else going on too if the other antibiotic has helped my fever and achy symptoms. I have to be careful to limit my time working with children and I got a whole box of masks today to wear if anyone in the house comes down with something. It is kinda stinky because I love teaching my 2nd grade Sunday school class and thankfully for the fall session the Good News club has its last day this week so I won't have to miss anymore of those. Hopefully by spring my life will look totally different than it does now.

So...what does this all mean? Well, I had my second round of Taxol today. Yea! I was extremely tired through most of it and have been most of today. That is 2 down 10 to go. I do have to say, I am bummed that I can't report 3 down 9 to go but I just have to get over that. It is going to happen that our plans are not always going to turn out the way that we want them to. God is in control of all of this so like everything else, it is His timing.

There are a few things I can report on getting farther down this chemo road.

  • Chemo brain really is a thing and I totally HATE IT! (if you see me just spacing off at times even in the middle of a conversation, I really don't want to and I really can't help it.)
  • Sometimes the chemo experience is so mentally overwhelming (which I never saw coming) that all I can do is knit or crochet in a chair. (Actually the preferred place is in my bed with pillows propped just enough to be a little upright where you will find me on a regular basis after about 8 pm at night). There can be music or a movie on but I won't necessarily be following it. There is something about busy hands that help focus my brain to a part of it that still seems to work pretty well. I am thankful that I knit and crochet!
  • I can't think of something to have for supper. I think that part of my brain isn't working well. It may also be that our brains take cues from our taste buds and our cravings and I have none of that right now.) I have tried a few times to sit down and plan some things and I can't even remember what we used to eat when I would make a grocery list.
  • I have the best man in the world. David has been a rock and has filled in almost all of the holes that this cancer has put into my ability to do my job. He and I both are thankful for those who have brought us meals because that makes his day so much easier too.
  • When people see me out and about, it takes a lot more behind the scenes to do the "normal" things. Life in almost every form is exhausting. I am thankful for the moments I can get dressed and put on my make up and go to church, a cub scout meeting or out with a friend or just running errands. Being able to do that is important for morale!
  • Monday's are sad for me because I know that this is the best I am going to feel until next Monday.
That is probably enough to report for now. A lot of the specific prayer requests are the same. The kids are doing remarkably well and for that I am grateful. For those of you who are thinking and praying for them, thank you! We are also all enjoying our new to us van.


  1. I am praying for you. I know God will help you like he helped me get through it.

    1. Thanks for that reminder that people survive this and can find a new normal when it is all said and done! You are an inspiration to me!

  2. Praying for you, Jody!!! I enjoy hearing your thoughts.

    1. Oh Ang, I promise I will call you in the next couple days! I saw you called while I was at the clinic today! Thanks for your prayers and calls. We will have coffee one of these days! Can't wait!
