Saturday, July 9, 2016

Garage Sale Goes High Tech

Still catching up on the other things in life that have been happening before being so rudely interrupted, I want to share the coolest thing ever...especially if you are one who is drawn to holding your own garage sales. This is even more cool if you go together with a few friends or family members and have a garage sale.

This is an app available for both Apple devises and Android called "Garage Sale Checkout". It was the best $2.99 I ever spent on an app. It holds up to ten sellers and you can set it up to automatically compute eight amounts along with the ability to type in any sale amount as well.

I would just like to say that I can't talk enough about how much we didn't miss all of the stickers and the notebook paper and the calculating this year. It was amazing how accurate the totals were. We were less than $5 off at the end when all the earnings were passed out and we were through.

The cool thing is that at any moment in the sale you can hit the "sale total" button and it comes up with everyone's total so far. I did take a picture of the screen every so often since this is the first year we used it just to be sure that I had record in case there was a glitch of some kind. I think that I would do that every time because there always is a chance that something could hiccup.

I was so surprised at how much this made our lives easier at this year's sale. I don't think you will find us without the app in the future. Many people were impressed with our "high tech" sale!

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