Sunday, July 10, 2016

Survivor Files: A Deeper Kind of Calm

I mentioned this book earlier in one of my blogs a few weeks ago when I shared how I feel God was preparing me for what was coming.

Linda Dillow is one of my favorite authors. I have met her in person and she is so genuine and humble and writes from experience and a pursuit of God that marks her every step.

For me, an author is thoroughly vetted before I can say they are on my favorites list. Especially when they are authors who use the Bible to make their points. She has stood the test of time and has been held up to God's Word and found to be firm and true.

I have mentioned her book "Calm My Anxious Heart" which I pull out during occasions which need that peace that passes all understanding. It has become my reference book for anxious times.

When I heard that there was another book that was a sequel of sorts I put it on my to buy list. It had moved its way to the top of the list when my birthday rolled around this year. Since I had been substitute teaching some this spring, I used a little of that money and made a book order.

I was surprised at the size. It was a lot smaller than her other books but it has been full of encouragement and help when I need a clear truth to speak to my doubt and fear. She takes me right to God's Word and reminds me of His sweet promises.

I am thankful for the people who share their stories and how God has been faithful in their low and dark places. He never changes, His plan is always sure and we can cling to Him. Finding someone to encourage us in those places is a blessing and a gift. This book has been that for me.

"On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night. Because you have been my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings." Psalm 63:6-7

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