Thursday, August 29, 2019


I wouldn’t call it a vacation by any means but life can be put on hold as quick as a wink
when you are on chemo and you find yourself with a fever of 103.7. You would think that as an adult with a fever
that high they could just run a test or two and it be obvious what is wrong. Not so for me.

I have now been in the hospital for the 10th day and we have not pin pointed where the source of the fever has come from. So very frustrating! Today we are hoping to spring me out of here! I have gone through all the antibiotics they can run through an IV.

Thankfully I have had no fever since Saturday. But, I ended up in ICU because my blood pressure was tanking. It certainly has been an adventure! I hate the worry it causes my family. Lots of them came to the hospital where I could only see two people at a time.

My aunt Jo was able to come with my cousin. I told the nurse I would rather be out in the waiting home room where everyone was having a mini family reunion. Cool but not cool because of why we were gathered. It was a quick turn around in ICU and I was back on the main floor by Sunday working through the bags and bags of antibiotic.

I was waiting to get my new laptop last week and it came while I have been here. The upside is that David has been able to set it all up and move stuff from my old computer. So, something to look forward to when I get home and settled.

As I wait for 6:30 am so I can order breakfast, I thought I would share a little about what has been going on with me. I can tell more of the story once my awesome husband gets me going on my new computer.

Thank you all for the prayers. I believe that you all have prayed me out of the ICU so quickly and that there are so many prayers we don’t even know were prayed. I have some stories I hope I can share in future posts. For now, I am grateful and blessed by all of you!

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