Thursday, August 8, 2019

She Wanted Lasagna so She Made Lasagna

Last week was rough for me. I had about three good days and then Saturday hit and I could hardly get up and walk to the kitchen without feeling like I was falling over.

My feet are worthless. I can’t feel them and around six or seven at night they start hurting. I love my arm pump! If I do a session with my arm and then put it right into my sleeve and the pain throughout the day has been greatly reduced.

I have to be reminded often to take one day at a time.  I say it enough but I still need to be reminded. This is a post that I thought I had published on Tuesday, but when I went to post my treatment update I realized I didn’t actually publish it.

So...on Tuesday I wanted lasagna - my lasagna (I have been known to make a mean lasagna!) Well I was thinking how long it had been since I have blessed my family with their favorite meal. I love and am thankful for the friends who so kindly have blessed us with some great recipes while I have gone through treatment.

I had lasagna on my mind but didn’t have all the ingredients and I knew if I went on a grocery trip I wouldn’t have the energy to make lasagna. It takes a little time and energy to put it together. So instead I put together a shopping list, got online and ordered Aldi to deliver.

And ta-da! In hardly no time at all I had two full lasagnas ready for the oven. Each day I want make goals. Not a “to do” list but a “done” list. I would rather focus on my accomplishments than on everything that didn’t get done. Some days there are a few things on the list, and some days maybe only one thing.

Tuesday it was lasagna and boy was it good!

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