Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Six Years

Six years ago today I was recovering from a lumpectomy. I remember dozing on and off excited that when I got home from the hospital Gone With the Wind was on tv and I could have some distraction while I wasn’t dozing.

Fast forward eight surgeries, three more lumps, three protocols of chemo and ten weeks of radiation and I find myself in Wisconsin Dells celebrating my parent’s 50th anniversary. I had no idea back then what the next six years would bring.

I am glad that we have no idea what the future holds, and I can promise you I have no desire to find a fortune teller to give me a heads up. I will take it one day at a time. It is how I got this far. It’s how Mom and Dad made it to the 50 year mark. We are celebrating on some days and fighting hard on other days. I will admit that some days it feels like I am down for the count. But His mercies are new every morning so today doesn’t have to be like yesterday.

I am thankful that for the most part my brain has good memories in the long term memory bank. I certainly would not pick six years of fighting cancer to be my reality today, I wish things hadn’t  been so hard on my family. But, it is out of my control. I would have said before that “all God asks of us is that we trust.” Which is true. But I have come to learn that “trust” is hard work.

Happy 50th to my mom and dad...I am blessed to say I have shared in 49 of those years and have learned from them. Through good times and bad, His grace is what keeps us.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for always sharing, Jodi! Your insights are helpful to me in my walk with Christ. I know that God will also use them in your family's life.
    Tell your folks Happy 50th!!
