Friday, June 21, 2019

Ho Hum...

Things have been very boring around here. There’s nothing to blog about so I haven’t been writing. My fat arm and the pain that goes with it has stopped me in my tracks a bit. I am a writer. I love to write cards and letters and journal. My hand does not allow me to write very well and my arm gets painful very quickly.

I have been seeing a physical therapist who does a lymph massage for me once a week on my right arm. It has gone down a little and I hope that wearing my glove and sleeve everyday will continue to see an improvement. I had treatment two weeks ago and started feeling better last Sunday. I can do a few things now with rest in between.

We were excited last week when we decided to have a movie night that Netflix is now showing Ralph Wrecks the Internet! Not all of us had seen it so we watched. Along with all the Phineas and Ferb shows we have watched, it has been a television kind of week. For me too...without the use of my arm and hand I have done more watching than usual.

Some of my favorites that I would recommend if you are looking for shows to watch are Blue Bloods, Designated Survivor, and Broadchurch. I will always go back to Monk if I want something I have seen before and feel like I will be in and out of sleepiness.

Life is going pretty slow for me lately and I have learned that it’s okay. I have been listening to podcasts and watching YouTube videos of sermons. I can’t journal much but I can listen. I haven’t mastered it yet but I am learning that whatever my circumstance I can be content. I am not always but it is getting better. I have had a few visitors lately and that has been a great morale boost!

Thanking God continually for all of you who are praying!

"Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content."
Philippians 4:11

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jody, No need to post when you can't. Although for a writer that's hard! Ken is a journal person but I'm not. Tried, but just don't do well at it! Praying for you now!!
