Friday, May 31, 2019

Around the Dinner Table

With me not always feeling well, we as a family have gotten away from eating together at the table regularly. Understandably I suppose, but I haven’t liked this new development. Everyone was home tonight so I called everyone to the table.

Children sat down and the prayer was said. was total chaos! Everyone talking at once and trying to get their two cents in. David got up from the table and quickly went into the kitchen. The kids were wondering what was up and I started laughing.

David came back to the table with a wooden spoon and handed it to me. It was my turn to talk. The kids thought it was funny that I knew exactly what Dad was doing when he got up from the table. He laid down the rules, if you aren't holding the spoon, you are not to speak.

It worked out pretty well as the family remembered how to have a civil conversation! There was a lot of laughing! We also talked about how having help from some of the ladies at our church with some house cleaning each week has helped them to see how nice things can be when they pick up after themselves. We also decided that everyone would try to be better at doing their part around here through the summer that will get very busy very fast!
And with that, I had a couple of helpers in the kitchen to clean up after supper. It was a good day.

1 comment:

  1. Lookin pretty spiffy and shiny! Great job everyone !!
