Thursday, April 18, 2019

Treatment #2

Today has been a good day. Treatment number two is done and now we wait and see how it all goes. I have to report that my neuropathy was unfortunately upgraded to level 2 from level 1. (As you can see, I am giving the bad news first.) Because of that, they reduced my dose of the chemo by 20% because this will probably continue to get worse as we go along.

My fingers are numb now to the second knuckle and I have to watch as I pick things up to be sure that all fingers are on the item so I don't drop it. Oh, and then I drop things and have trouble typing and writing too. I keep writing and crocheting and cross stitching to use my muscle memory in these fine moter skills as a therapy of sorts. I helps, I was told by the doctor who did my acupuncture.

But...along with that, there is a bit of good news we think. My liver function numbers are going down! In fact, one of the numbers is now in the "normal" range. That is a good sign. I found out that they haven't heard from Mayo and they are going to get someone to check on that for us. We are also going to have a PET scan before my next treatment to take a peek and see how things are going.

Oh FRIENDS, please pray that we are moving in the right direction! After a couple of months of uncertainty, it would be nice to see even a little bit of progress. I sat with my Bible at infusion today with notes from a study I am doing in Genesis. As Marshall my nurse was flushing and de-accessing my port, he asked if I was ready to go. I replied "just give me the word and I am outa here!" He looked at my lap and said "but you already have the word!" He apologized for what he must have felt was a bad joke but I told him that he was absolutely right!

It is so fitting the week before Easter that our lesson is about God's nature and His attributes. It was so nice to sit and read the truth about the God who takes care of me. He takes care of us all!

He is Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Eternal, Immutable, Incomprehensible, Self-existent, Self-sufficient, Infinite, Transcendent, Sovereign, Holy, Gracious, Righteous, Just, Merciful, Slow to Anger, Wise, Loving, Good, Wrathful, Truthful, Faithful and Jealous

1 comment:

  1. We praise God in the good news and we praise God in the waiting news. We praise Him for all the attributes you mentioned and the million more we don't even know about. He is our all in all!
