Thursday, April 11, 2019

Help! Google Class 101

A walk down memory lane with three of my miracles!
Guess what? I felt good enough yesterday to sit and work a little bit on my Google class to renew my sub authorization. I think I was just ignoring it because in my mental funk of late I found myself hopelessly wondering if I would ever feel well enough to be in the classroom again. I hope that there is a light to the end of the "chemo side effect tunnel" but until there is, I can finish this class and one more to get my sub authorization up to date.

So...faithful readers. It is now time for you to help me out! My assignment was to make a Google form. I have done so and you can see the link below. If you could take a couple minutes to fill out my survey, you can be part of getting my sub authorization updated!

Living the Miracle Google Form

I have had to ask for an extension twice now so my goal is to work this next week to complete this class. It doesn't look like the second class I have to take will require anything from you my readers, but we can have some fun here today. The survey is totally anonymous.

I love a little interaction, don't you?


  1. I found the Piggie and Gerald birthday cake when I was googling some ideas for my classroom and then I happened upon your blog. A lot of great shares, thanks so much for creating and inspiring !!wishing you a beautiful day!

    1. Welcome to the blog! We are huge Gerald and Piggie fans!! Thank you for checking us out!
