Monday, February 18, 2019

Trust Test

After our meeting with the doctor last week I have to admit, I have been pretty down through the weekend. Then we got another test result  back into my online portal and it didn't look that great. (Never think you know what a result means if you really don't) David was going to be home today because of President's Day and so we were going to sit down and figure out what our insurance covers and then how to go about getting a second opinion.

We had come up with a few questions and concerns after our meeting and so over the weekend I got online and emailed them to my oncologist. Today I had a chance to talk to my doctor and was very happy to hear that she had already addressed most of the questions and concerns. The other things she agreed with me. She took time and explained some things to me. She had already sent a message to the radiology department to get them to re-read last week's PET report and include specific measurements that would correlate with the areas that were specifically measured in November.

There was a number that she was looking for in the molecular test results that wasn't listed in that report and she had already called to get that result. They did not run that test, so she called pathology at St. Lukes where my samples are and is having them run the test. This will help her to better understand the molecular test and other possible treatment options.

When those things get done by Friday or Monday she will have my file sent up to Mayo to have more eyes look at my case. She said we could be dealing with a couple of different things. We just need to know and to find that she has been on top of getting a better picture of where to go from here. This was a relief. They are going to schedule me for another PET scan first week in March. By the time my next treatment comes around we may be tweaking it a little.

I am thankful for my brother Josiah who spent time on Saturday researching stuff for me without me even knowing. When Betsy asked how I was doing I told her about one of the drugs that my doc had mentioned and sure enough, Josiah knew that it was one they have had some success with. I have an amazing circle. I love you all. 

It is much easier with a plan and knowing that something is being done. God doesn't give us that every time. He knows that I need to learn to trust more deeply. This is not fun. I have a feeling there will be more to this test on this road. I hope to make Him proud.

1 comment:

  1. You are already making Him proud. Over and over and over again. Grateful you have people fighting on your side. Praying without ceasing!
