Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Being Busy

I have been trying to get things accomplished before tomorrow's treatment. The thing is, I haven't given myself enough down time in the last week. Yesterday I was exhausted and felt awful. Today was another of the many snow days and this time it was a true snow day as there was eight inches that fell overnight and that is a lot at once. The kids went out this morning and cleared it out, unfortunately not quick enough to beat the mailman.

We have lost track of how many snow days we have had. They just called a two hour delay for the morning too. I didn't have to go anywhere today but it is a big day away from home tomorrow. I hope that the roads are cleared and the wind isn't too terrible.

We did however, have a little adventure this weekend when Stacey captured a mouse in the pantry. It was good timing because a pantry purge/reorganize was a long time overdue. Unfortunately we didn't find the mouse. So it looks like we are still on the hunt.

Stacey is off her crutches and out of her boot so she spent Sunday afternoon pulling everything out and sweeping, washing down the shelves. There were quite a few things that were way past the expiration dates and so that emptied one shelf! I was also able to get my canning things all gathered into one closet and organized. I pulled the label maker out and went to town. It was fun.

It was then that I noticed the basket that I keep my label maker in. The label I had made for the label maker was spelled wrong!! Ha Ha!! How long had I been making labels with this tool and had not noticed for FIVE years that lable was spelled wrong! You can believe that I made a new label before I put the basket back on the shelf.

It was all good. Monday I had my PET scan and tomorrow we will find out how the chemo is taking care of my liver. If all looks good, we will have treatment number four.

I will post tomorrow when we are back home and let everyone know how it goes. Thank you all for the prayers. We are so thankful!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you. That you find humor in the midst of everything is a testament to your faith and love for the Lord.
