Thursday, January 31, 2019

Snow Days Adventures

The AWFUL Neulasta did its job. Today my white cell count numbers were through the roof and my lungs seem to be healing! This is me yesterday getting ready on THE coldest day on record to take Stacey to her 7:30 a.m. foot appointment. We made it there and back and doc says she can start trying to put weight on it. We will see how that goes.

But, enough of all the doctory stuff. Yesterday...we made COOKIES! Yes, I was actually in my kitchen with my son making cookies. It was AWESOME! It isn't every day you get to make cookies with your 9-year-old shirtless son on a day he is home from school because of frigid temps outside! I took advantage!

Don't ask me, but he runs around all the time without a shirt. Winter/Spring/Summer or Fall. I often ask him to put a shirt on just because looking at him makes ME cold! We used a great monster cookie recipe you can find on my aunt Jo's blog Jo's Country Junction. It was easy and the results were fantastic (although I realize I didn't snap a picture of the end result). Matthew is in that stage where now he is too tall for his stool he always stands on. I will have to find something else to stand on that isn't so tall. Looks like my "baby" is growing up.

We had everything together and found that the bag of M&M's had been raided which is always a disappointment. I thought I had hid one so no one would know where to raid. I checked the bottom of my lazy Susan and there was the other one. I actually found something that I had hid! We could continue with the recipe!

I am not a baker. I am actually not really a kitchen person. I say that although when I am in the middle of preparing a great meal or baking a few loaves of banana bread or cookies, I am enjoying myself. Let's just say the first thing I DON'T think of when I wake up in the morning is "hmmm...what should I make in the kitchen today?" I have been blessed with a huge wonderful kitchen and I don't take that for granted.

Matthew's number one question whenever we are baking together is "can I lick that? can I like the bowl?" He loves peanut butter on the rubber scrapper and gets sad when I try my best to leave as much of the peanut butter in the mixer before giving it to him to lick off.

We have now had a total of six full snow days in the last two weeks. I am still okay with that. I know that we will have to make days up but I am at heart a hibernator and so this is dreamy to have my people all around me and to actually be feeling pretty good. I haven't picked up a bug this time around so far. I feel better than I have since chemo started back in December. I am thankful!

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