Friday, November 30, 2018

Office Christmas Parties and Farting Pigs

...and a few other things that are keeping us busy through the weekend. We end on Sunday with a funeral for our sweet nephew and cousin Samuel who was born right into Jesus' arms this past Monday morning.

Life is crazy! Life is hard! Life is silly! Life is rich. Last night wasn't as bad at home as I thought it might be. We are sadly used to the routine. Life has just been plain heavy. There is no way around it. On the bright side, I have lost seven pounds on the "bad news diet" so there is that. However, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

I talked the boys into playing the farting pig game Auntie Chelle got Zach for Thanksmas. We laughed until our bellies got sore, that is for sure! A perfect game for pre-teen boys! I have had "Pop Goes the Weasel" in my head all day today! We highly recommend it for a great laugh.

Thankful while it is still thankful month because after years and YEARS...I am talking YEARS, God has answered my prayer for my husband. I have prayed for a job for him where he would feel valued for what he brings to a company and a career he enjoys. Now, it has only been since September that he has worked at Samsung but the whole atmosphere in our home alone is blessing enough for me.

He has never in 26 years worked for a company that holds a Christmas party. I think one year one of his managers did a little something at his house, but other than that, he may have gotten a Christmas turkey or two along the way. So we are looking forward to Saturday night at Cedar Ridge Winery. I have given my liver a rest these past couple weeks and went through Thanksgiving without a single glass of wine so I will celebrate with a small a

I will start chemo next Thursday. It will be a three week schedule. Life is still good. God is still good. Every day I wake up and He is still good.

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