Thursday, May 24, 2018

I Do Windows After All

We moved into our current home in November 2013. Talk about a crazy time in our life! August 15th I had just had a double mastectomy after a lumpectomy left cancer in the margins. And, why not try to "flip" your old house, get it on the market and try to sell it in 30 days so that you can move into the house you see yourself living in for the rest of your life!

God did an amazing work through all that. I smile when I think about our linoleum party and then the finished product as we put the house on the market the night before I went into surgery. It blows my mind that it was already four and a half years ago. Then as I was getting into life again the cancer came back. Wow was that a shocker and rocked my foundation. But we did what we needed to do to get it out and all of the treatments that it takes to get well again. And I have blogged for years now about the whole process and life as it goes on around all of that.

But speaking of our current home...through all of this time in our home I have taken the window/screens out of the kitchen windows only and washed them last summer. After seeing some condensation and mold growing in the sills of the boys' room a couple weeks ago, I decided I would pull all of the windows and screens out and get rid of that mess! Today was the day. I hosed down the screens and scrubbed the frames and left them on the patio to dry.

I know...gross!
The glass panes were tougher since there was a lot to scrub on those. I have missed feeling like I can handle these kind of chores around the house so today has been wonderful! Maybe there will be easier breathing in that room after all is said and done. Looks like here in Iowa we have skipped spring and jumped right into summer with these temperatures but I can still spring clean in summer weather! At the same time I can work on my non-existent tan!

It is about time I get around to some of these things. One room a day is definitely doable and the weather today and the next few looks good! I am thankful for these windows because the windows in our old house were ridiculously difficult to clean. Even though I doubt the boys will even notice they are clean, it is great to know that I know! I think I will invite them to join me in the task this weekend when I get to the living room or dining room windows too.

I am thankful to be able to do this and believe me, I don't take these kind of things for granted!

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Is it FRIDAY Yet?

This has been quite the week in our house and I do believe that there has never been a Friday that I won't be more thankful to have made it to in my entire life! And it is these three who have allowed us to experience a whole new dynamic in the house. Three people taking the AP Human Geography test at the same time. The struggle has been real folks!

They have one book and multiple online resources. One of my responsible ones has made up 40+ flash cards and so someone is usually going through those. The tension is building as Friday becomes closer and to help, this mom has been doing most of their chores in the evenings so they can study.

I asked the most obvious question a mom of triplet teenagers may ask "why don't you all sit down and study together?" Three almost simultaneously gasp "MOM...we don't study the same AT ALL!" So not even two of you? I am thinking? No...resounding.

One is a little grouchy to everyone as the stress builds through the week, one is physically not feeling that well (which this non-doctor mother would
attribute to the stress building...but what do I know?) and the other is walking around like "test? what test?"

This is a new and exciting experience for me. I keep thinking "and we spent money for this?" Yes, to watch our kids not share and snip at each other all week. Some think that how the others are acting means they don't care or they aren't taking things seriously. I literally don't have to mother them at all this week because they are mothering each other "you shouldn't study that", "you need to share that book, Mom bought it for all of us!, "why are you just sitting there watching tv when there is a HUGE test coming up on Friday?"

I hang back in the other parts of the house doing their chores and listening to the sounds of studying, three different kids, three different ways, three different amazing minds doing their thing. I am not at all worried. Just counting the hours til they go off to school on Friday. They are blessed with great minds. I often wonder how that happened. I did marry up where intellegence is concerned and maybe along with all of those long eyelashes that they didn't get from me, they also got a brain that soaks in knowledge and spits it back out again in a way that is favorable to a good grade.

Whatever it is you can know this...I will be SO glad when it is Friday!