Monday, March 19, 2018

State Basketball Fun

Both halves of the game on Thursday
against CPU showed very uneven calling
by the refs. (see the foul board)
It is always fun when state basketball rolls around. The years we have been in Marion and that Stacey has played basketball have been exciting. The Marion girls are good. Stacey played on the Fresh/Soph team and JV. She has grown a lot by the experience and is excited for the next few years. She just told me this afternoon "I wish that basketball was a year round sport" (as we were out buying new soccer cleats!)

We traveled to Des Moines to watch them play. My dad loves going to the games and so he drove his van. We jumped in and drove the two hours to cheer the girls on. Not knowing how the week would turn out, but hoping pretty confidently that the girls could win the championship, we were there to watch as they beat Fairfield on Monday.

Because of the bracket, the second game on Thursday was CPU. We play CPU twice during our regular season and it is a real rivalry when we do. The worst thing that could happen would be for CPU to beat us at state. Some were worried. We knew they could do it, we beat them both games there and home but both games were close. The game started with terrible reffing and I think that even CPU fans would agree. It was pretty close for awhile until they took the lead to 10 before all was said and done. We like to think that the girls beat CPU AND the refs during that game! It was a very mental game the whole time.
The girls played hard and beat CPU for the
third time this season.

Grandpa and Stacey heading to the game
I was so torn for the championship game! We were up against Grinnell who were known to be good. Zach had his last middle school show choir competition on Friday night right as the girls started the game. I stayed in town and sat just as Zach's group went up to sing with the tip off on my phone in one of my ears and the other ear and eyes watching his performance. If Stacey was playing I certainly would have gone, but I knew there were plenty of people cheering them to victory so I stayed behind for Zach.

Matt got to come on Thursday. "This is so
cool!" he says.
Stacey and Dawn rode to the game with Grandpa and Grandma and cheered in person. It was such a good game and a great way to end the season! Each one of our girls did what they do best and were on, every one of them. It made for a great game of basketball for those of us who have watched all through the season as they made their way to the championship game. That is what a team does, each contributing their strengths.

It is a sad end always when Stacey thinks about it being so long til they play again in the fall. But the training through the summer months preparing for next year makes it go fast and we will find us at the beginning of a new season once again. (At least it goes plenty fast enough for me who would like time to slow down just a bit).

Tonight officially ends the season with the basketball banquet. I am proud of Stacey during her first year of high school ball. If there is one person who loves basketball it is our Stacey!

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