Sunday, January 7, 2018

A Look Back Into Younger Minds

I learned a little something in the van on Thursday night after the concert. I had four of mine and a friend riding to Orange Leaf after the concert. There was an empty seat in the back and I heard a small commotion about buckling that seat belt. Upon inquiring I was told about when the triplets were little. Ryan and Dawn shared with me that whenever they were riding in the van and there was an empty seat they always buckled the seat belt because they knew Jesus was always with us and they wanted Jesus to be safe.

Wow, I never knew that was going on with the passengers in the back of my van all of those years ago. I was thankful for that little insight into the minds of my elementary kids even now as teenagers. They agreed now of course that Jesus would not go flying out the window if Mom slammed on the breaks but as they told me that Thursday night, I had to smile thinking how God reveals himself to us as we grow and mature with Him.

I consider that little insight into their "little people" minds a gem to hold on to. They now know of course that Jesus doesn't even "take the wheel". He is our life as we follow Him. He certainly cannot be restrained by a seat belt but how fun it was to hear how their little minds cherished Him enough to "keep him safe" while Mommy was driving.

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