Sunday, December 24, 2017

2017 Fun Gift #2

When I picked Zach's name for the "Open one present on Christmas Eve drawing" at our house I was not thinking of anything in particular as I stashed his name in my nightstand waiting to attach it to the gift I would eventually be giving him.

It was only when I went downstairs to work on something in my sewing room that as I was moving things around I found his Garfield sweatshirt. Now, this sweatshirt was made by a friend of our family when my brothers were young. I think it was a gift to my brother Johnse when he went through his "Garfield" stage. A couple years ago my mom gave it to Zachary to wear because he had become a Garfield fan.

I remember last spring when we packed it away telling him that he wouldn't be able to wear it next winter because it was already looking too small. He gave me that fretful look. He hates thinking of getting rid of anything and something especially meaningful to him, it is very stressful for him. I expound a little more about that here.

Quickly my mind went to the idea of cutting the Garfield out and using the back of the sweatshirt along with it to stuff it into a pillow for his bed. I was pretty sure that he would love it. Giving him a way to keep something he treasures is one of my missions as his mom. 

As I started working on it I found a 16x16 pillow form under another pile of stuff and thought I would just make it to fit that. I had a gold t-shirt in a box that I was going to take to Goodwill and thought about making the stripes and of course for Zachary, anything that has his name on it is even better!

I was so pleased with how it turned out and to know you have hit the nail right on the head is such a great feeling! I know this will turn out to be on the top of my 2017 Christmas memories!

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