Thursday, June 1, 2017

A Musical End to the Year

Of course a choir concert wouldn't be
complete without a Stacey photo bomb!
I just didn't know how very emotional I would be at the end of this school year. I haven't blogged much because I have actually been at a loss for things to say. I know...for those who know me that seems a little far fetched.

Actually, I am glad that I waited to share this little bit of life. This week the kids' choir teacher posted the kids' Spring choir concert on her YouTube channel so it makes it much easier to link without me having to get my multiple videos loaded on the computer. I am so proud of what Zachary, Ryan and Dawn have accomplished this year and for the 8th graders, the last three and a half.

And strangely as I typing, am tearing up. Middle school is behind for three of my kids. Just like that. Two of them you will see in the first link below and Zachary, in the second link in band, choir, and his debut in show choir. You can totally feel free to watch the whole thing, but in case you just want the highlights I have listed my favorite parts! There really is so much talent and I wish that concerts in middle school could be held somewhere more acoustic than the gymnasium. Just click on the links to watch (you certainly don't have to but I know some of you far away will want to)

VMS 6-8th Grade Spring Concert
1:07 - 8th Grade Jazz Band...Dawn and Ryan both sing, Ryan has the first solo.
11:14 - Voltage the VMS prep show choir has a great drummer...Ryan
22:00 - Velocity - VMS's competition show choir does four songs. You will find Ryan usually in the first or second row a little to the left of middle. Dawn is usually found in the back left
25:25 is my favorite Velocity song. Unfortunately the vocals get lost in places for the show choirs in the gym but I LOVE the choreography in Top of the World
1:01:30 Begins the 8th grade concert choir (Ryan and Dawn both sing)
1:04:27 Dawn solo
1:06:17 Ryan solo
(I have to admit the song Glorious is such a perfect song to end middle school choir...I have always loved middle schoolers...especially mine. They are all glorious and there are so many great voices in this group. I CAN NOT WAIT to watch what high school brings for them all) sniffle sniffle

VMS 5th Grade Spring Band / Choir Concert
Beginning - 5th Grade Band...Zachary is in the trumpet section
25:35 - 5th Grade choir sings (Zachary stands in the front row to the immediate right of Mrs. Scherbring - in the khaki pants)
41:04 Vibrance is the fifth grade show choir (Ryan plays drums for Vibrance) Zachary starts in the front right

Okay, so this happened after the seems to be a little bit of a tradition to meet at Orange Leaf after a good concert. Some arm wrestling ensued amongst the 8th grade boys. Go figure.

Just as a reminder...they used to do this! Sigh.

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