Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Chemo Day #7

Today was chemo day and there really isn't too much to report. This drug is definitely different and about 15 minutes into it I end up getting very sleepy and usually have a nap. Doesn't make it very interesting for Mom who still likes to come and keep me company.

I find myself about a quarter of the way through the process wanting to yank everything out and just go home to my bed. I find myself very antsy. It takes about 30 minutes for the pre chemo stuff like the Benadryl and the steroid along with the acid reducer that helps with the nausea. The chemo itself takes an hour.

After we finished I came home about 11:15, got into my bed and slept til about 2:30. The rest of the day was laying low and resting. I can't say it enough how much of a blessing it is to have people bringing food on chemo day. We all appreciate it so much!

I have been a bit busy this week and not able to blog as much. We found out last week at Dawn's well check up that she has had walking pneumonia! She has now finished her antibiotics. Hmmm...so there have been germs in my house. Matthew woke up on Monday with a sore throat and cough so I took him to the doctor since there has been strep in his class, other extended family members and walking pneumonia in his class and obviously in the house. Doc gave him antibiotics since the germs are in the house. He has been home with me Monday and today.

There is a lot to learn when you are diagnosed with cancer. I have learned this week that one of my favorite things to do as a mom is snuggle my sick ones - as long as they let me. It has been rough for Matthew as I have had to keep my distance as much as I can. I am still on the last of my antibiotics for the port issue I have been dealing with. (Today they cultured another batch of blood to see if that has helped at all).

Me on the front porch of Grandpa and Grandma's house
with my uncle Jay, Jim and aunt Jo.
Matthew and I love to read together before bed. We have still been doing that. With a king-sized bed it is easier to "keep our distance" but still be together. Tonight was so precious to me. Every time I read a book or story that is set on a farm I picture it on the only farm that I have been intimately connected to as a girl, my grandpa's. I picture the barn, the pig house, the chicken coop/goat barn, the house, the machine shed...it is all in my head as I remember it.

Grandpa takes a break and shoots some baskets with
my aunt Jo and I.
I will be honest, we only got one chapter read. This particular story is about a boy who is sent to his cousin's who lives on a farm. He has many life experiences (with a lot of humor sprinkled in) and learns a lot of lessons through a little hard work and no couch sitting and video game playing. This farmer drives Allis Chalmers and the baler was red. Chapter 9 was the day his cousin got to learn to drive the tractor during baling season. Funny stuff.

Like I said, we only got one chapter read, but Matthew got at least two chapters of personal stories of baling days when I was driving the Allis Chalmers and a lot of other stories of his great grandpa and grandma, the farm and his great aunt and uncles. He loves that and didn't even complain that he only got through one chapter (I think he knew that he really got a lot more than that!) He loves when I tell him how his great grandma Johnson taught me "Jesus Loves Me" because it is his favorite song for bedtime.
I am thankful that I can recall those stories. He is too!


  1. ...we are here...listening...as if we are on that farm shooting baskets, too.

    Wiping all our surfaces down, too!

  2. My Dad didn't move us to a farm until I was a junior in HS. But can re call ALL thw vivid memories.
    I wasn't raised on a farm but I like to say, "I was a farmer's daughter."
    Glad the good memories fill your head as you drift off to sleep at night.
    <>< love-N-prayers my friend

  3. Thank you for your updates! I start my very first IV infusion treatment at the U of I tomorrow and am very weepy thinking about it! I am sure it will go fine, but the mental unknown part of it all is very emotional for me! This is all so new and foreign and hard for me to process it.
