Monday, October 17, 2016


I haven't felt very sparkly lately. That is why as I sat outside in the mild fall morning on my swing with my coffee, my ring really caught my eye. It usually isn't sparkly enough to catch my eye unless I have just gotten done washing dishes by hand with no gloves.
The picture doesn't do it justice. In the real light of the outside, it was sparkly. I needed to see something sparkly, and it makes me smile because the man who gave it to me is the perfect match for me.

God has blessed me so much. We are totally different individuals and we can make each other crazy sometimes but as I paused a bit this morning to think about one of the few things in my life that sparkle right now (not so much the ring, but what it represents), I would have to say that I am blessed beyond compare.

We have been dealing with a little extra this week as our van died. David has been under there on and off all week to figure out if there is any way he can get it running again.

Today he went out with my dad looking for a vehicle for our family. Maybe I will be able to update you in a couple of days. I certainly don't want this to drag on. It is hard getting seven people around in a five passenger vehicle. I just didn't have the energy. I told him that he usually has a lot higher standard than I do so I am sure that I can leave the vehicle hunt in his very capable hands.

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