Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Kids Camp 2016

NCBC moved in at EIBC for a week of Kids Camp
It has taken a few days to get back into life here at home after camp. A great distraction has been that Auntie Chelle is here from Georgia. The last night of camp was Saturday and we arrived home about 9 p.m. and unloaded all of the suitcases into the garage. (no one wants smelly damp camp bags coming into the house!) By ten, the kids were back in the empty van to go with their dad to pick Michelle up from the airport.

Those who had a serving job at church went on Sunday morning but the rest of us were so exhausted! After my slow rise from bed, I continued with the laundry with the smelliest piles first.

Matt jumps into the very slimy
scripture challenge on Day 1
One of my favorite memories of camp would have to be this conversation I had with Zachary during his bunk's craft time when I was in assisting the "craft lady". Zach called me over to where he was sitting:

Zachary: :Mom, yesterday I saw you in the kitchen when I went through the lunch line, today you are in the craft room...LONG PAUSE (with perplexed look - I nod)...What do you DO here?"
Me: "Just a little bit of everything!"
My first year camper - Day 1

I enjoyed being the counselor coordinator. Each day I ate breakfast with the counselors and went around at bedtime to each girl's bunk and talked with them and prayed before bed. That meant in between times I could help out in any area where they needed an extra hand.

The first day one of our counselors had a conflict at work and they hadn't given her the day off. I stepped in and was counselor the first day with one of my great junior counselors from one of last year's bunks. Very fun!

Day 2 - Flippering...lots of flippering!
Here is Matthew with his balloon
sword running up to the stage
during their skit.
It was fun watching all of the bunks at their activities and it was also nice to have a little time to rest and read or nap. I got to see the triplets a lot more than when I have counselled too since they are all gophers and run around doing whatever needs to be done.

Lots more hugs and conversations that are so sweet since camp kinda brings out the best in them. I need to save those great attitudes and bottle them up for home throughout the next year. (They aren't always so willing to do what I would like them to do around here.)
Zach and his bunk buddies waiting
for their cue during their skit
Matthew's bunk checking
in to see if they found all
the items on the scavenger
hunt...they did!

"Let the redeemed of the Lord tell
their story, the ones who have been
redeemed from the hand of the enemy"
Psalm 107:2
 Zachary and Matthew's bunks both waited until the last day of camp to perform their camp skits. There is a points challenge throughout camp and there are many ways that each bunk can win points toward their final score. The bunk who wins with the most points gets to pick an activity that they want to do on the last afternoon of camp while the other bunks clean up the property before shirt signing and supper. The bunk skit is one of the many ways to earn points - a lot of points!

I have enjoyed getting to be at camp for the last couple of years while my middle schoolers gopher. It definitely was a more relaxing year this year with one session of counselor coordinating. Last year I jumped in and was counselor for both sessions. Although it was fun...it took about a week last year to recover! This year it was fun to do a little bit of everything. It made my heart happy when I went into the yellow bunk each night and there were some of my little pink girls from last year remembering all of the fun we had.

One of  my gophers taking
a much deserved break!
Serving together
There is definitely soul therapy being part of the team that makes it all possible. And, like the kids, I got to know some really great ladies and men a little better because we were serving together and had the opportunity to get to know each other better than we do just passing and chatting at church. I did sleep much better in the "Ladies Bunk" than I did in the Pink and Lime Green bunks last year. (Even though I didn't get there fast enough to claim a bottom bunk!)

It was great to get away for this wonderful distraction and I won't close today without saying although I didn't get any pictures of Ryan doing what he does at camp, I am very proud to have him running around and doing what needs to be done too. I am thankful to Pastor Mick and Julie Lear for keeping the gophers busy and in line. They have memories that will last a lifetime and it is the reason I am here! They have to have a parent serving at camp in order to be gophers and so that is what brought me to Kids Camp last year for the first time. They are already looking forward a couple of years to when they can be Junior Counselors.

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