Friday, July 24, 2015

Survivor Files: I've Been Inked!

"I did it!" I hear them say, then they post pictures from all angles of the tattoo they just got. Seems to be a more frequent thing these days, people getting tattoos. Well, like everything else I seem to experience in life, I am doing it a little differently than everyone else that I have known. of today, I have a tattoo and no, I am not going to post a picture. The reason is, I don't want to be flagged as having pornographic or inappropriate content. Besides, it is swollen and "angry" right now as my tattoo artist told me and it will look much better when it is fully healed.

It isn't a pretty rose, a butterfly, a heart or any other picture that might come to mind as you recall your last visit to the public swimming pool. No, it is an areola. That's right, I now have two fake breasts (made from my excess stomach tissue) and a permanent tattooed right areola. TMI? Probably, but it is the last step in the process of my reconstruction. So basically, don't hold your breath for the posting of my "tat picture" because it just isn't going to happen.

It was a strange conversation the first time I called the number on the card to set up this appointment. I had never thought of getting a tattoo and wasn't sure what I was supposed to say..."hi, my name is Jody and I need you to tattoo me an areola?" No, that didn't seem like a natural intro but somehow, the appointment was made back in February for a tattoo in July. My body needed six months to heal because you can't tattoo on scar tissue for six months and my last surgery was in January.

Like the words...font could be a little less scrunched together
Today...that brings us to today. If you are curious about what they can do to help those of us who have had to make the hard decisions about what doctors can do to our bodies to rid them of cancer, there are many websites that explain every aspect of reconstruction. I am thankful to every person who has had a part in my "new normal".

So yes, I have a tattoo, but no, it isn't a fun one that I can really show off. The whole anticipation of the day has got me thinking though, what kind of tattoo would I get if I ever decided to get one that people could see?

Cool reminder - I want to always be ready!
I could use this reminder on my wrist
so I could see it every day!

Since I can't post a picture of my tattoo, I will post some pictures of some that I think would be kind of cool to be able to show off.
I don't know if I would ever get a tattoo that everyone could see, but if I did, it would have to be something simple and very meaningful. But, now having gone through the actual process of getting a tattoo and knowing what to expect, it isn't such a crazy idea to me. Maybe some of you who have a tattoo could tell me what you have or post a picture. That could get me thinking!

Love this...simple conversation starter
I will keep you posted if I ever decide to get something permanently inked into my skin. For now, this current tattoo is going to be healing for the next couple weeks with discomfort and itching to look forward to. But, I can't lie when I say that it will be a wonderful treat to step out of the shower and look a lot less like the Bride of Frankinstein. Did I tell you she inked my bright red scars so they would be less prominent. Well, she did and I am so thankful!

God has blessed some people with a very unique talent and the faith and obedience to pursue an avenue to do good in this world. There are a lot of things that breast cancer robs us of. I had no idea the kind of "grieving"' that came with this whole process but there is a lot more than I knew about. I praise God for those He puts in our path to validate our struggles, to soften the rough edges and to shine a little bit of light into a dark day. I am glad for this day and that it wasn't one of those dark ones! Thank you Marie at Artizo Ink! You are an amazing artist!

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