Monday, February 2, 2015

Plarn, Plarn Everywhere!

I took a little time out last week from the stool cover crocheting to make a plarn bag for one of Stacey's teachers who had a birthday. Her friends decided to get together and make up a birthday present for their teacher. They had taken a picture together with her and they each decided what they would contribute. Stacey told me that her part would be printing the picture (one of her friend was providing a frame).

Along with the picture printing, Stacey let me know that she was also providing one of the crocheted bags that I make. She gave me a couple of days notice and she said she only offered my services because she knew that I already had one started. She was right, I had but there was still a long way to go before it would be done.

I worked on it a bit but found myself the night before she needed it with a long way to go. I decided to change to a double crochet so I could speed up. The middle is double crochet which is what Stacey said she likes best about it.

I spent a lot more time on it that originally anticipated because although I had a huge ball of plarn (yarn made from plastic grocery bags), it took all that I had and I still wasn't done. At about midnight I ran out. Two hours later I had myself some more plarn ready to go with the entertainment of the Hallmark Movie channel and Hart to Hart reruns. Thankfully during narcotic pain med recovery I live somewhat around the clock so crocheting til 4 a.m. wasn't that big of a deal. It is nice to be needed even when I am recovering!

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