Sunday, January 25, 2015

Survivor Files: Recovery Project Update


A little over a week out from surgery and I am really taking it easy this time. Doctor said eight weeks and eight weeks it is. I have upped my game just a bit over the last 24 hours because David has come down with a yucky stomach bug, but he has promised not to give it to me so we are good (at least for the time being). No one wants me throwing up with an incision across my midsection!

Thanks to my sister and her gracious offer of car pooling, the kids got to school fine this morning and we are here resting. While I have been sitting in the recliner, I have been working away from the elbows down on my kitchen stool project. You can see that the before picture shows just another way that mauve invades my kitchen. I wrote before surgery of my desire to take care of that mauve problem and this is my solution. I am pretty pleased with the outcome.

Yes, I have been crocheting stool covers like a madwoman! And, after one full week of recovery behind me, I have just two more to do. I have to take a small break for a couple of days while I work on a teacher birthday gift for Stacey, but over all, I am pleased with my progress.  There are ten stools in my kitchen at the island and bar! Now just add some new kitchen flooring and counter top and this kitchen would be amazing! It actually is already amazing, I have nothing to complain about. I always like to improve where there can be improvements.

You can't say I haven't been staying busy!

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