Thursday, June 19, 2014

Survivor Files: Post Op Report

Mom brought me over some flowers on Sunday.  Just what
I needed to brighten up the room!
I took it easier this past weekend recovering from Friday's surgery.  The year has been a frustrating up and down year and I am glad that we may be seeing the end of the road.

I am fine.  That is what everyone wants to hear at this point.  Surgery did what it was supposed to do and now I go through the routine of healing and getting to the point where we can have the next (and expected to be) last surgery.

The hardest thing about this surgery has been the fact that I was doing great, pretty much back to 100% after the speed bump last April.  I was driving kids around, doing housework, gardening and mowing the lawn.  I was also starting to get back to feeling somewhat social again.

Not so much today, or probably not tomorrow or the next day.  Feeling like hanging out at home sitting/laying around is my preference.  I don't like this me very well.  I like last week's me but patience is the key again.  It is Thursday and I don't feel like I want to feel.

That said it is time to count my blessings:

  1. By Tuesday, I was only on ibuprofen during the day which has allowed me to get back in the car and do some of the taxi duties as I feel able.
  2. At my post op appointment yesterday, the fat grafting site stitches were removed and there were no open wounds! (and doc said that the compression shorts that the nurse at the hospital said I would have to wear 4-6 weeks could accompany me home in my bag and I when I got home I could lose them!
  3. My girls have been a great help around the house.  Still working on what it means for the kitchen to be "clean", but two loads of laundry have actually been FOLDED!
  4. TMI Warning...doc says I am now the proud owner of "perky breasts"!
  5. We are still laughing and smiling around here even though this week has been full of rain and storms.
  6. Dawn and I have been able to continue our "Anne of Green Gables" time together.
  7. I have been able to sit at two basketball games watching Stacey now that summer league has started.  She tears up that court!
  8. In all of this excitement, Zachary has turned eight and he has read his new Elephant and Piggie books over and over and over out loud and I NEVER tire of hearing them.  I especially like when Matt and Zach "put on a show" for me and act one of the stories out!
  9. Ryan gets back from Boy Scout camp on Saturday and I can't wait for him to sit down and tell me all about it!  I have missed him!
  10. I slowly pinned binding on a quilt I am working on today and will be able to sit and sew it up tomorrow.  More on that next blog...there is "mixed" blessing with that one.
  11. And on and on and on and on!
I am looking forward to comfortable sleeping at night but other than that and the fact that the surgical vest sticks out of every single summer shirt I own, I am doing quite well.  Still taking it easy just like the doctor ordered.

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