Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Survivor Files: I LOVE the Wound Clinic

Although everything that has happened in a doctor's office or operating room since June 12, 2013 in regards to my healthcare is connected to my diagnosis of breast cancer on that day, I don't think I should call my posts "Cancer Files" anymore.  As of right now I am not fighting cancer, I am fighting my body's seemingly inability to heal.  I am a survivor, these are the survivor files!

My sovereign God knows what is going on with me, he knows every cell of my body and what makes each one up.  Because of that, I am not going to argue this process and why it is taking so long for me to heal, He knows, and only Him.  My doctor even admitted that yesterday as he looked over my remaining wounds with that puzzled expression on his face.

As I trust though, it is part of a normal human thought process to wonder sometimes how I am supposed to go through this and what I am supposed to learn.  I took it easy today and went to the Wound Clinic for my appointment at 3:30 p.m.  As far as compassion goes, the people at the Wound Clinic take the award with no contention.  Most specifically, Cheryl.  I really appreciate her desire to help me understand what is going on.

The picture I drew here is how she explained it to me.  My wound looks like the solid line from the outside but under the surface, the wound extents to the dotted line, 8 cm from the opening underneath on the right side to 4.5 cm on the left.  The wound is too small on the outside for the wound vac and there is no way to get the sponge material into such a large area under the surface.  So, we are using a different plan of attack for this one.  

New tools in our arsenal will allow my body to get the help it needs from what is called Prisma put in once a day with the new probe.  I also get to take a Lortab an hour before the dressing change each night.  That way, pain is managed and I get to sleep good for the evening after it is all over.  I have high hopes that we have found out what we are actually dealing with, the wound can start healing for good.

Romans 5:3 And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation works patience. 

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