Sunday, August 11, 2013

Linoleum Anyone?

Yeah for steam!
Sunday rolled around and I was going to sit down and write a couple of blog posts but that was obviously not meant to be.  Instead, a friend came over to help lay a new kitchen floor.  So, Stacey, Angie and I pulled up the linoleum floor in our kitchen.  I had watched a few YouTube videos with David and so I knew EXACTLY what to do!

This girl is amazing!
Yes, I wanted to put in a few hours and be ready to lay the new tile, but that wasn't meant to be either!  After the first row was lifted (and after much scraping and soreness setting in), Angie said "it would be nice to have a steamer, we used a steamer for our wallpaper and it came off great!"  Huh?  I HAVE a steamer! What luck!

Out came the steamer!  Wow, was that a difference!  The wood wasn't drenched in water when we were done and most of the glue came right up.  There were some tough spots but overall, the experience was much more enjoyable.

We actually had fun together working our fingers to the bone!  We would hold the steamer on the spot for about 15 seconds (Stacey calculated the exact amount of time it would take for optimal removal) and up the glue would come.

Comic relief - not much help!
There were blisters that we all were sporting by the end and the next morning, well...that was a different story.  I was moaning a bit and moving a little slower than normal.  But the kitchen was ready for new tiles.  The new floor is the square stick down kind so I am hoping that they will go on a lot faster than the old stuff came off.  I will again watch a couple of YouTube videos to get my education before jumping in.

Okay, maybe a LITTLE help!
I do know that I need to start in the middle and work out so that the cuts are on both sides of the floor and not just one.  I guess that is how it should look anyway.  I am looking forward to this house being listed so that we can back off a bit with the manual labor for awhile.  We did get the official offer in on the new house last week so when this house sells, we are moving.  Anyone who is interested in a great family home, this one has been given a lot of TLC though the last 8 years.  It has been a blessing for us and we would love to see happy new owners take possession and make it their own!

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