Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Busy Hands

Now that there will be no radiation, (yes, for those of you who haven't heard, the radiologist says no radiation needed) I have turned my focus to getting well.  After today's doctor's appointment, I am back on an oral antibiotic and a topical antibiotic cream.  Seems there are a couple of "angry spots" in the incision areas.  Gotta take care of those before the gain control!

It has been at least
two weeks since my hands have created anything.  I remedied that today.  Don't get me wrong, I am actually enjoying the extra time to read and catch up on my Pinteresting, when I have plenty of pain meds in my system, but I really miss creative work.

Today as I was filing some projects in the proper Pinterest boards, I ran across a project I had already pinned and thought I would see what I could come up with since it has become a new need in our home.  Since pulling up the carpet in the living room, I purchased a Swiffer.  I have had a Wet Jet for awhile but with the wood floors, I have found that just pulling out the Swiffer has been the most convenient way to keep the floor relatively clean.  Besides that, the kids like to Swiffer!

I have had a crochet Swiffer pad pattern on my Pinterest crochet board for awhile and after digging around in the very few things I have left around the house while we are showing it, I found JUST enough cotton yard and a size H hook and was able to crochet all of the pieces.  Tomorrow I will sew them together so when the kids get home I won't hear the common excuse, "but Mom, we don't have any Swiffer pads".

I am going to alter this pattern a little bit I think.  There has got to be a way to make it in one piece.  That will be my challenge.

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