Sunday, July 21, 2013

Great News and Not So Good News

Getting caught up in the busy-ness of this past week, I haven't been good at sitting at my computer.  I don't think I have sat down and gone through emails since Thursday!  That may be a good thing and it may not, we will see when I plow through them in the morning.  For now, I will get everyone caught up on news here.  On Tuesday of last week I started feeling a lot better physically and that was great.  Being able to take back some level of my job boosts my spirits tremendously!

Still plugging away in the kitchen we had MUCH improvement this week!  Before getting into that though, I will say that on Friday (a WEEK after our appointment with the surgeon) the University finally got back with the office and I got a call.  The GREAT news is that the University pathology report did not include any mention of micro invasive cells!  So that was a bit of good news to hang on to!  They confirmed no cancer in the lymph nodes and the extensive nature of the Stage 0 cells which will still mean mastectomy, but until we see anything different after the pathology comes back from that, I haven't advanced to Stage 1.  Tomorrow we will meet with the plastic surgeon to discuss reconstruction options and then we can talk about scheduling the next (and hopefully final) surgery.

Enough cancer kitchen has a new light that turns on every time that I switch the light switch! The picture above is my awesome dad connecting the wiring.  We have found some pretty interesting things in this 1950's house.  After they took down the old fixture this wallpaper was found underneath the kitchen light fixture!  Has anyone ever heard of wallpapering the ceiling of a kitchen?  It looks very much like it fit the decor of the times!  In the next few days I will go around and take some pictures of some of the finished upgrades!

So, what is the "not so good news"?  We were hoping to get the house ready to put on the market soon and after talking to the realtor it looks like our plans will have to be delayed for awhile.  I have to admit that packing boxes for storage and purging garbage bags has been very therapeutic.  Pulling the carpet off of the living room floor to reveal some awesome wood flooring underneath has felt like another little blessing!  But, I am disappointed.  I can't lie.

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