Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Cancer Files: Music To My Ears

It has been a few days since I have sat down to write.  I think it was a combination of hearing bad news on Friday and my children being out of the house that made me spend the weekend busy but also a little in need of some reflection.  I am wired for music, not necessarily any specific instrument but the music and I so appreciate the talent God gives some to be able to write great music and great lyrics.

You can bet that I have my favorites list.  My husband thinks it is quite extensive and in a general sense I do have many favorites, but when it comes to feeding my soul, there are some very favorites that I wouldn't want to be without.  So, since I have been doing what I can to focus on my "way bigger than me" God, I thought I would share a few.  My life theme song and the very tip top of my list is this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sB-oSnCxklU by Sandy Patti called Carry On. The power of the words and the truth behind them makes this song so important to me.

Jaci Valasquez would be one of the next in line although number two didn't have a You Tube video to share.  It is called "There You Are" by Carolyn Arends.  If you have a chance to just look up the lyrics it will bless you - "I was hoping you would write to me a message in the stars, as if the stars themselves were not enough"..."When my heart is doubting, even there you are!"  Awesome lyrics!  Check it out!  So, back to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nT4yIBeIC2Y I Will Rest In You.  This song has been listened to over and over in some very dark times when I couldn't feel God's presence.  Sometimes we just need to know He is there, and sometimes it takes a reminder.

Bebo Norman has a great song that is also pretty high on the list.  You can listen to I Am at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tud83kb794 "When you can not stand I Am" 

You can't have a list of Jody's favorites without including Phillips Craig and Dean so You Are God Alone would be a favorite although you can give me any of their CD's and I would listen all day, they write most of their own songs and it comes right from their heart and their experiences.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OICArFHAa9c

I know, a lot of these are older songs, I am getting older.  I thought I would throw in a couple newer (well, within the last decade) too. Rescue http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaALSnYVNPE by Desperation is on the verge of being older, but many still know it. "Where else can I go?"
This great one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-Ixd8sjp9g again by Phillips, Craig and Dean - The Great I Am is on their newest CD and is awesome!  It is hard to stop but I will leave you with one more, At the Cross by Hillsong  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOY0mjjmx8Y came to mind after our church service on Sunday.

As I listened to music this weekend I realized that the beauty of these songs is that there is a definite difference between who I am and who my God is so the question I have asked myself is "Why would I want to take on myself what only HE can handle?"  I will keep this in mind and try to remember to let Him do this work.

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