Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Cancer Files: Check, Check and Check

I love Pinterest!  Over the weekend I looked through some things I pinned under my "Crock Pot Freezer Meal" board and found all kinds of yummy stuff that I could make for the freezer.

There were five recipes that took me about an hour to put together and have ready.  Looking through my list from the other day, I believe I can say CHECK to my freezer meal goal!

Everything got done on the list except for taking the clothes to Goodwill.  The only reason that was left undone is because a garage sale is in the making at my parents house, so the clothes will be gone soon enough.

Today I took my little guy to the pool, making his day.  He returned the favor and made mine by falling asleep on the couch after he got his dry clothes on.  That gave me extra time to pay the bills and clean my desk.

I decided to heat up a cup of coffee while I had a little quiet time since I won't get to drink my coffee tomorrow morning.  Tomorrow morning.  Surgery day.  After putting my teary girl to bed, I sang songs and prayed with the kids. (the girls are sleeping over in the boys room)  I then read through all of the things I am supposed to know for tomorrow from the hospital.

The perfect end for this day comes from Psalm 121..."I lift up my eyes unto the hills from whence comes my help.  My help comes from the Lord, Maker of heaven and earth.  He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: He that keeps thee will not slumber."  Because He does not slumber, I can.  Good night all!


  1. I am a 6 year BC survivor. I will be thinking about you as you go through your surgery tomorrow. If I can do this, you can too.

    When anyone offers to help you, say yes. Have a list of things they can do for you: watch the kids, do carpool, make dinner, throw in the laundry. You don't have to be superwomen. People will want to help you, so let them!

    I'm sending you hugs and good thoughts. It will be hard, but you can do this!

  2. Hi. I get your Aunt Jo's blog emailed to me because I'm obsessed with fabric and quilting-although I have only made the tops. One of my summer goals is to finish at least one of these!

    I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through, and will be sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers your way.

    My sister passed almost 3 years ago from cervical cancer. They found it late, at Stage 3b, and they got rid of it once. It was aggressive and came back on the outside of her kidneys. I have accepted it, and figured it was just meant to be. NOT that should get you down. I'm a nurse and worked in Oncology before she was diagnosed in Jan '09. She passed a few weeks after her 29th bday, and she is 2 years younger than me (i just turned 34). I like to connect with women going through it sometimes, because I can understand it from a professional and personal side. Nobody can have enough hope and prayers going their way. So that's a little about me. I became obsessed with fabric about 2 years ago. I decided to make a quilt because I desperately needed a hands-on activity, and I like crafts. I never knew what I would end up into! There is an entire quilting/blogging world that I had no idea existed! I like reading quilting blogs almost as much as sewing!

    I saw that you are making the awesome Super Mario quilt! That is on my Wish List to do in the next few years! I'm sending some prayers your way, and hope to talk to you when you feel up to it!

