Saturday, July 6, 2013

A Little Activity Today

My wonderful husband was busy today in my kitchen!  LOOK!  I HAVE SHELVES!  He has spent the last couple of weeks figuring how to make my decorative glass-front hutch into a set of cabinets with full blown doors that can hide the things that I need to put inside.

The shelves are in place which means when I get feeling better I can start putting everything up that will have a new home there.  Then, the cabinet doors will be cut and installed.  I love that I dove into painting the kitchen and these cabinets in May.  It has taken time, but it is so worth it the closer and closer we get to completion.

We will be painting the ceiling next along with putting in a new light fixture and then the new counters and back splash.  Oh, and the pillow that I got yesterday?  SO awesome!  I finished the crochet hat project I was working on while I was listening to an audio book.  As long as I could keep everything still above my elbow, it wasn't at all uncomfortable.  I do have an issue with the pattern though, it was supposed to be an adult size hat and as you can tell, it is not.  I will have to adjust and try again, but not today...I did my limit of activity so it will have to wait for another day.

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