Monday, October 15, 2018

Watching My Boy

Each of my children have their own strengths. I love to watch them do what they do best. This weekend it was Matthew. Although it was a blustery day, the sun was out a bit here and there and watching the soccer game wasn't uncomfortable. (I will say though, I had cuddle duds, a sweatshirt and my PARKA with gloves) Welcome to October in Iowa. Next week I could very well be in flip flops.

I have told him that it is to his benefit to be the youngest and to have older brothers and a sister who play soccer too. Matthew and Ryan spend a lot of time out in the backyard on nice days kicking the soccer ball around. Some days Matthew comes in crying because Ryan did kicked him or did let him score. Well, I can see the advantage of playing with a brother who is seven years older who also likes to win as much as you. I see the muscle memory when the ball comes to him. He isn't standing there waiting for it. He goes after it and most of the time he follows through.

I haven't ever had to tell him to be aggressive, he has just learned to play his hardest and best whenever he is out there on the field. He has learned that soccer is also about running and not just standing around and watching the ball. I know I said I would never be a soccer mom...never say never because spring and fall you will find me watching my kids play soccer, all three of them!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Sweet Sixteens

And just like that it is the early part of mid October. These three had a birthday last month that was sweet sixteen times three. I have to admit, as we approached their birthday I was feeling a bit apprehensive about three drivers. Not so much the driving but the fact that I would have to let go of a little more of the control in their lives. 

We make it through most "milestones" around here without too much craziness, but each time something new comes around it is the sign that these precious people, my precious people are going to be taking care of themselves sooner now than later. It is the goal of motherhood from day one and I have known it all along.

Looking back and reporting almost a month later on this event, I have gotten used to the new normal. Arguing over who gets to drive, which vehicle is available, and trying to keep them under my roof long enough to do their laundry and chores. They are each so busy accomplishing so much. Now instead of taking them different places, I am keeping track of the daily calendar to make sure they know who is picking up little brothers or who is riding together to different events.

It is hard to remember those early days when they were so tiny and I never imagined they would grow out of their preemie jammies. I cried, afraid that they were so fragile, so small. For so long I prayed for these children...and since then, so many times I have prayed like Zach, who ironically wasn't sure how to word one of his early prayers "help us with our blessings". I knew in my heart that he meant to say "thank you for our blessings" because that is what he heard from others. But, as I thought about it, God has led and helped through all these last 16 years. He is so faithful to us, in the good and the bad.

Psalm 56:3 When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You.